Approved International Practitioner of Holistic Medicine
anxiety, depression, and ADHD
Expert in Chakras Balancing
Emotional Freedom Technique Therapist
Ancestral Shamanism Practitioner Traditional Aromatheray Master
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Anxiety Life Coach
Certified Mindfulness Instructor
Gifted Magnetism Healer
Reiki Master for Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho and Usui Teate
Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI) in the field of autism
ADHD/ ADD Disorder in Children
Expert in Chakras Balancing
Emotional Freedom Technique Therapist
Ancestral Shamanism Practitioner Traditional Aromatheray Master
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Anxiety Life Coach
Certified Mindfulness Instructor
Gifted Magnetism Healer
Reiki Master for Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho and Usui Teate
Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI) in the field of autism
ADHD/ ADD Disorder in Children
Emotional Freedom Technique Therapist
Ancestral Shamanism Practitioner Traditional Aromatheray Master
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Anxiety Life Coach
Certified Mindfulness Instructor
Gifted Magnetism Healer
Reiki Master for Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho and Usui Teate
Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI) in the field of autism
ADHD/ ADD Disorder in Children
Ancestral Shamanism Practitioner Traditional Aromatheray Master
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Anxiety Life Coach
Certified Mindfulness Instructor
Gifted Magnetism Healer
Reiki Master for Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho and Usui Teate
Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI) in the field of autism
ADHD/ ADD Disorder in Children
Traditional Aromatheray Master
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Anxiety Life Coach
Certified Mindfulness Instructor
Gifted Magnetism Healer
Reiki Master for Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho and Usui Teate
Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI) in the field of autism
ADHD/ ADD Disorder in Children
Holistic Program
I offer holistic programmes designed to treat people suffering from long term depression, anxiety and ADHD. A special programme is available for people who have been diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood.The process requires a minimum of one week to 10 days in Phuket.
I also work with wellness foreign groups
Special holistic sessions and programmes for aircrew (pilots and flight attendants)
Online therapy sessions for cases with anxiety and ADHD cases
Sessions in English, Spanish and French
Since 2016, I have embarked on a second career in holistic healing. I began with energy therapies by discovering my gift of magnetism and trained in Reiki to become a Master in Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho System and Usui Teate. After that, I discovered other holistic methods and therapies so that I could adapt to each client and their specific issues.
Today, I work with my clients using a variety of tools to help them regain their emotional and physical balance. I'm mainly interested in :
- long-term depression, anxiety and/or suicide attempts. For these specific cases, I have developed a holistic programme to help regain balance in their lives and emotional stability. This programme requires a stay of one to four weeks and must be booked in advance. I can also provide online support for people who are unable to travel to Phuket.
- After working for several years with autistic children, I now work with young children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) as well with adults. My holistic programme can also be applied to ADHD adults with a stay of minimum 10 days.
I consult in French, English and Spanish.